Our pastor depends on the advice and wisdom of parishioners in making important decisions concerning the mission and ministry of our parish. Both the Pastoral Council and the Finance Council are consultative bodies that offer to the pastor essential information and insight in building up the parish family according to its resources and charisms.
To contact the leaders of these councils, please call the Parish Office, 509-747-5810 or email us at [email protected]. Pleas just write into the Subject line the name of the council you wish to contact.
For information on our various parish committees, please click: Committees
The Pastoral Council of Sacred Heart Parish meets monthly to discuss with the pastor all matters concering the mission, goals and objectives, and evaluation of programming of the parish. The members share with the pastor their insight, wisdom, and knowledge of the parish's reality as well as their recommendations so that the pastor might guide the community forward in completing its mission to proclaim the Gospel, serve the poor, and gather the faithful for prayer and worship.
The Pastoral Council welcomes all parishioners to its meetings and offers them the a place on the agenda to share their concerns at those meetings. Those wishing to have a matter placed on the agenda should currently contact the Office email.
The Council's members at this time are:
The Finance Council of the parish advises the pastor on all financial matters and assists him in establishing sound fiscal procedures so that the generous gifts of the faithful entrusted to the parish are responsibly managed with transparency and professionalism. The Council meets four times a year to plan the annual parish budget, review financial reports, and approve major expenditures. The Finance Council also strives to enhance giving opportunities and dstewardship through its Stewardship Committee.
Parishioners are always welcome to share concerns with the Finance Council. They should be addressed to the chairperson, who can be contacted by email by clicking here: Finance Council Chair
The current Finance Council members are: