Cataldo Catholic School
455 W. 18th. Ave.
Spokane, WA 99203
(509) 624-8759
Sacred Heart Parish, together with Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral Parish and Saint Augustine Parish, support our local Catholic school ministry at Cataldo Catholic School, located on the St. Augustine campus, just a few blocks from Sacred Heart..
Learn more about Cataldo by visiting its website:
Cataldo Catholic School’s mission is to provide for the spiritual, intellectual, social, and physical growth of all students. The school is an integral part of the ministry of the Catholic Church, in partnership with St. Augustine, Sacred Heart, and the Cathedral Of Our Lady of Lourdes. As a community, parents, staff and pastors collaborate to develop and implement an educational experience that enables students to integrate Catholic faith, Tradition, and values throughout their lives.
Cataldo Catholic School is a faith community the recognizes and supports “parents as the most influential agents of catechesis for their children” (To Teach as Jesus Did, Section 52, NCCB, 1973). The school community provides a Christ-like atmosphere where students develop their God-given potential and learn to respect the dignity of all. The community models the values and principles it instills in its students. Cataldo Catholic School provides reasearch-based programs necessary for the growth of the whole child.
Cataldo Catholic School is governed by a Board of Governors consisting of the pastors of Saint Augustine, the Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes, and Sacred Heart parishes. The role of the Board in service to the School is to provide governance at the local level, determine policies of the school, and support the administration and faculty, who are immediately responsible for the daily life of the school.. The Board of Governors consults the School Advisory Council (SAC) consisting of a minimum of seven members drawn from among Cataldo parents and parishioners of the three parishes. Msgr. Mee presently serves as the representative of the Board of Governors to the principal, the SAC, the parent community, and the wider public.