Everybody needs a logo, right? Businesses and non-profits, universities and even churches sport usually one identifying image that somehow expresses their mission and calls attention to their "brand."
For many years, Sacred Heart Parish has been using a line-drawing of its iconic church as its de-facto logo. With several new publications in the works as well as a revitalized presence on the internet, it was felt that something fresher and more direct might be helpful in making our parish community more easily identifiable, so Father Kevin got to work and using a simple internet program, designed a new logo for our parish family.
It is made up of an equilateral cross, that is, both the vertical and horizontal bars of the cross are of the same length, much like the "Jerusalem Cross," which is so well known around the world. The equilateral cross or "square cross" has long symbolized not just Jesus Christ through the principal instrument of his passion and death, but also the equality of natures in Jesus Christ, fully human (the horizontal bar), and fully divine, (the vertical bar). Thus the mystery of the incarnation, the embodiment of God in Human flesh, is represented simply, directly, and with visual power.
The second image in the new logo is a simple red heart place above the left arm of the cross as it would be if the cross were a person looking at us. This heart represents the "Sacred Heart" of Jesus, that vital intersection of both divine and human love by which Jesus saves the world and accompanies us in our sufferings and joys through life.
The new logo has already begun appearing in our parish's print and digital media.